Spanish erotic comedy about the adventures of a gynecologist. “Clasificada S”.
Ana Roca plays Rafael’s neighbour
Andrea Albani plays Berta
Carla Dey as Carla Day, plays Conchi
Concha Valero plays Josele, the shop assistant
Eva Lyberten plays the secretary / dominatrix
Eva Wagner plays Jenny
Jazmine Venturini uncredited, plays Rafael’s sister-in-law
Julia Caballero plays Manolita
Lynn Endersson plays Guadaloupe, a streetwalker
Mirna Bel as Mirna Vel, plays Señora Pardillo
Olga Rodriguez uncredited, plays the woman with the shy young man
Patricia Cauzard uncredited, plays Rafael’s wife
Sianna Gori as Siana Gori, plays Sianna, the sexologist’s nurse