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Ally (2002)

About John B. Root (Jean Guillore):
When a teenager in Egypt, Jean Guillore discovered and practiced erotic photography but soon forgot about it to become a famous French writer for children, awarded, invited to public lectures in schools. He also collaborated with a famous magazine ‘Je Bouquine’ (I read), held by the catholic press group Bayard. Besides, Jean Guillore worked as a technician for French national television (Thalassa) and even adapted his book Le voyage de Nicolas (The odyssey of Nicolas) for French national TV. He got married with 3 children (3 girls). But, by the age of 40s, while he had everything everyone could want to be happy, he realized he could get old without having done what he really wanted to do when a teenager…

…and in France, where they take sex seriously, the critics seem convinced: reflected in some 15 movies so far, the Root philosophy of pornography has prompted even Le Monde to laud him as a film-maker who “given the draconian demands of the genre, remains both ambitious and modest”. More exceptionally, Les Cahiers du Cinema, the legendary film magazine, went so far as to declare that Root’s “unique blend of trivial audacity, iconoclastic imagination and taste for pleasure, combined with his real sense of cinema, make this simply one of the best French films we have seen this year”.

Nice portrait of Ally Mac Tyana , the daughter of a Financial Director of Air France “discovered” by Monsieur Guillore before she begins her starlet career in some Besson production. Some french needed but enjoyable anyway