Original ifo:
Mike Hunter Tape “Sin Dreamer” (MH 2)
There is also a Mike Hunter-DVD MHI 17, but here,like most other Hunter-titles, the tape has the better picture than the DVD.
This is basically an “emergency”-film built from 6 loops, mostly made by Lasse Braun for his London 1977-series. The interesting part of this film and the sister-film “Sex Maniacs” is the making of “Sex Maniacs” (MH 1) and “Sin Dreamer” (MH 2):
Alberto Ferro (“Lasse Braun”) carried 2 problems around with him: From the end of July 1977 on he didn’t have a valid passport anymore and he couldn’ handle money.
Quote Gerd Wasmund: “If he earned 100 DM he spent 100 DM in the next week, if he earned 2 Million DM, he spent 2 Million in the next week- he should have become a Guru, not a business man”.
Quote Hebditch/Anning in “Porn Gold”:
Gerd Wasmund (“Mike Hunter”),just recovered from own bancruptcy of his print shop, heard on the grapevine that the now famous Lasse Braun had once more hit money problems and went to see LB in his base in Breda/Holland: “You make films-I handle the money,let me become your business manager!”
Quote Lasse Braun in his auto-bio “Senza Tregua”:
“Even though Wasmund,a 32 year old, was a small guy, blonde with a Nazi-face and a little unpleasant – he was dynamic, captivating, expert in German affairs and able to find money resources.Always dressed in a double-breasted suit,driving big cars,smoking big cigars,unable to speak a single word in a foreign language (seems he didn’t like Wasmund very much)…. and so i made him (that was autumn 1976) my CEO.
end quote LB
Wasmund persuaded Horst Peter,magazine publisher in Essen and a guy named Mauch (owner of some strip-clubs in Essen) to back the production of the next batch of LB-loops with 650 000 DM (around 300 000 US$ at the time).There was a loophole in the English porn-law: you could show hardcore films in private clubs but production was illegal. But LB and Wasmund were so enthusiastic about the skills of English film technicians that they took the risk…”Blake Hotel”in the Roland Gardens in Kensington,also used by Mick Jagger, became their base of operation…The location for “Country life” was a green-lawned mansion outside London “Satin Party” was shot in a house in Notting Hill Gate… Horst Peter,his wife and a girlfriend arrived from Germany and asked LB If they could watch the shoot, LB agreed under the condition that they supplied him with ample bottles of his favourite Crystale-Roederer champagne… “I don’t know how i managed to keep working”… the owner of the place was in heaven,he couldn’t believe,what all these girls were doing…the party ended with the sudden arrival of the police.8 uniformed officers entered the house and dragged the performers,in various stages of undress,to the waiting police car.”The black actress was really scared” at the end you can see her banging at the window…The wole thing was a set-up,LB had hired some people and a police car to carry out the raid without the actors knowing anything about it (so says LB).
The problems began with the post-production: LB received an offer to appear on TV in the US.He accepted,knowing that he would arrive a few days before his Italian passport expired.He could not renew it without returning to Italy and falling in the hands of the carabinieri (a couple of pornography-charges from years ago were waiting for him there) but the word from his homeland was that the Italian Parliament might pass an amnesty bill any time now …(this didn’t happen) he told US immigration that he would stay 3 days only – that visit lasted for 2 years
Poor Wasmund was furious.He had been left with a set of unsellable products and a group of angry investors…the German market was for full length films not for loops… LB suggested that Wasmund shoot some additional footage of the actors talking about their sexual experiences and then use the loops for flashbacks. Even though 90 % of the footage was made by LB, Wasmund put his own “Mike Hunter”-alias as director.
So “Sex Maniacs” (MH 1) and “Sin Dreamer” (MH2) were made…both films were successful in Europe but unknown in the US… ” happy end…so far.
end quote porn gold
Quote Hans Moser (one of Germany’s porn pioneers of the early days and part-time husband of VTO’s Teresa Orlowsky):
“Our kind of porn really started in Soho/London – not Sweden or Denmark, Denmark was the only country in Europe which would take it… Walter Bartkowsky (the famous “Charlie Brown”) was London’s top porn-smuggler at the time for the “Gentlemen of Soho”. Charlie Brown was a prisoner of war to the Brits – after his release in ’46 he settled down in London for a few years before he returned to Germany to build up his TABU-label in the 60s there with excellent connections to the Soho porners, to the Danish Theander brothers (owners of Color Climax Corp.) and the like”
and that was new to me…
Note: The numbers “MH1” and “MH2” were probably given to the tapes a year later in 1978 after Wasmund had bought the European rights of the LB products and started his own production company – before that the tape-numbering was “LBxxx”.