Note: This is the best quality print of this film that is currently available. It was ripped from a Something Weird Video DVD-R short film compilation and, like many of SWV’s releases, it is VHS quality.
How to Undress in Front of Your Man is notable for being one of the first films that was directed by Orson Welles’ protege Gary Graver. Among other things, Graver worked as the cinematographer on Welles’ legendary unfinished final work The Other Side of the Wind, which he has been trying to get finished and released for decades. Graver is also known for directing inordinately artful porn flicks like 3 A.M. (1975), which Welles was responsible for editing part of.
Somewhat curiously, How to Undress in Front of Your Man utilizes part of Nina Rota’s score from Federico Fellini’s 8 1/2.
Synopsis: After an evening out, a skinny hippie chick attempts to get her man in the mood for love. But he’s just too tired. She proceeds to use all her sexiest moves (even showing him her “tunnel of love” and making her “fun zone” more attractive with good hygiene), hoping to awaken the beast. When all else fails, she resorts to stroking his giant cock. This finally gets his attention!