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Katharina und ihre wilden Hengste, Teil 1 – Katharina, die nackte Zarin (1983)

AKA Catherine and Her Wild Stallions

Catherine and her wild stallion is a two-part feature film by the German porn producer Alois Brummer from the year 1983. The Softcore version appeared on 22February 1983 under the name Catherine – The Naked Empress as a feature film in theaters.

The film is set in Russia in 1775 . Catherine the Great ‘s mistress, but she escapes the power of the Russian Empire. The Empress is dedicated to the sexual activity rather than her court the day transactions.  A horde of Cossacks , by Pugachev is led threatened the rural population. The rebels draw pillaging through the country.  Meanwhile, happily, the Czarina in St. Petersburg bei Gruppensex – Orgien . Petersburg in group sex – orgies .  A lieutenant from Vienna wants to liberate Russia from this situation and is contrary to the bustle.

The film was released, as was then still often the case in a softcore porn and a version.  The Softsexfassung titled Catherine – The Naked Czarina Catherine, and alternatively – excesses at the Imperial Court. The 117 minutes in the theatrical version, as amended by All-Video, however, contains only 97 minutes long movie no explicit sex resulting from male, but many scenes of violence.

There were at least two versions Catherine Hardcore – The Sado-Zarin, and Catherine and their wild stallions. In 2005, the production company Duke Video, a two- Directors Cut Films released on DVD of the scene with Catherine and one includes a mold, which was not originally released. The full titles are: Catherine, and their wild stallions – 1 Teil -2 – The Whore of St. Petersburg (or with IMDb : Catherine and her wild stallion, Part 1 – Katharina, the naked empress) and Catherine and their wild stallions – 2 Teil – Die Sado-Zarin kennt keine Gnade . Part – The Sado-Zarin knows no mercy.

“During a rebellious Cossack captain threatens the empire, the Russian Court was made in amorous pleasures. The crude mixture provides sufficient reason, in addition to the relevant sex scenes in this genre, which gradually takes possession of most shameless of all eras of our history, to offer a historically low literate audience brutalities en masse. (…) We do not recommend. “

– Joe Hill im Film-Dienst

“The lecherous Russian Empress Kathi can be a fine officer who refuses her to throw in the Palastgrüfte. Orgies and excesses make up the rest of this pathetic soft porn. “

– Heyne Filmlexikon, 1996 – Heyne Film Encyclopedia, 1996

Cast: Sandra Nova, Angela Fellini, Sylvia Franke, Nadja Boyer, Jaqueline Roussel, Mara Soerensen, Eva-Maria Falk, Ina Reutter, Barbara Hoffmann, Latissa Miranova, Tatjana Tisserant, Frank Williams, Jean Paul Blondeau, Christian Beumer, Vladimir Tartakovski, Robert Wagner, Marion Schuberth, Klaus Falkenhausen, Charles de Kiswarth, Manfred Richter, Bernd Stephan, Heinz Moritz

Actors: Uschi Karnat