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Incitation aux plaisirs (1981)

Alternate Titles
Incitation Carrere Video
Initiation porno d’une vierge videoprojection, 55 mins.

Director: Jean-Francois Hautin (as Max Turbay)

Starring: Lucie Doll, Marc Winandy, Hubert Geral, Carmelo Petix, Sylvie Lemaire, Ingrid Choray, Myriam Dolcemascollo, Andre Kay
Description: A duke living in his castle with his gamekeeper, his homosexual groom and Marie the maid. His wife Blandine, tired of his bad temper, flees to Paris and meets a young man who helps her. She is photographed with his/her (?) sister Marianne (lesbian photos) and plays some kind of strip-scrabble while her mad husband pretends to have a huge cock and to be called Mandrin (old-fashioned slang word meaning penis). He seems to be raving mad, rolls in his snow-covered park, climbs up a statue and masturbates.