A domineering mother with a seemingly perfect family in Argentina, is unaware of a taboo relationship happening between her youngest twin children.
Albertina Carri follows her directly autobiographical Los Rubios (screened here in 2003) with this ambitious drama of an incestuous love affair. Meme and Jeremias are the younger children in a typical bourgeois family. Their mother Lucia is the dominant force in the household, but her fixation on upholding the niceties of upper middle class life has prevented her from seeing what is going on under her roof. When the siblings’ older brother and his fiancée arrive home for their wedding, it seems inevitable that the concealment will be impossible to sustain. But equally it becomes apparent that if Lucia were to find out about the affair, there would be catastrophic consequences. Interestingly and unusually, Carri avoids offering any explanation or analysis of Meme and Jeremias’ relationship, choosing instead to focus on the fallout it brings for the family. Strong on atmosphere and stylishly shot, Geminis builds a palpable sense of tension as it moves toward an inevitably explosive denouement.