Some racial expressions against black people that many people are unaware of

“I never liked black girls” or “You don’t look like other black girls” are expressions that, with the intention of flattering, perpetuate black and racial stereotypes, in addition to pointing out the structural racism that is so established and ignored in society. Society ignores them because they may not appear to discriminate but on further reflection, they appear to differentiate and consider black girls as different because of their features that do not conform to Eurocentric beauty standards. These beauty standards do not allow exoticism to exist in white girls, instead encouraging the attribution of the exotic to black girls.

Not only are phrases like these not complimentary, but they also insult an entire group and reduce it to an idea, implying that people who experience racism cannot be attractive or fit into hegemonic beauty codes.

The problem is when a racialized woman is seen as different because she differs from the canon and is considered exotic. The beautiful black woman then becomes something of an anomaly, she is labeled as exotic, as if that is a good thing when in reality being put into that category is one way of being objectified. 

You are seen with curiosity and strangeness as if you are an alien because the world tells you that being black and handsome do not go hand in hand, because in Eurocentric standards there is no room to praise their skin, hairstyle, or racial features, then they call you exotic, not handsome because you are different from the normativity that has been characterized by the idea of straight hair, white skin, and bright eyes.

To tease, they refer to you as “my little chocolate” or “my ebony goddess” thinking that they are doing nothing but complimenting you, but it’s not a compliment or even a more veiled racist expression. Our bodies look different and this exoticism brings with it ideas and stereotypes that contain many clichés, especially in the sexual sphere, where we are fetishized, as black women are considered wild or willing, making us objects of gratification. 

Pornographic content that carries the theme of free ebony teen porn is now very popular and they are always being downloaded, indicating that they are not just “passing by”. Black girls are seen as exotic and while that may seem “racist”, nothing in porn is “clean”. Porn also has “racist expressions” towards white girls and of course, they won’t sound very polite. Basically, the porn industry is one of the most democratic.

Being seen as exotic is a major obstacle to interracial relationships as the interest seems to lie not in knowing ourselves as individuals but in what we represent through our physical appearance. It is this prejudice that contributes to perpetuating racism against black bodies, which damages our image and makes us laugh, because anyone who says that the image of the “black man on WhatsApp” did not reach them is lying, and it is nothing more than that. 

To flirt with a black woman, you don’t need to disqualify the entire group, there are more options than saying “You are very beautiful to be black”, you are very beautiful or you are attractive will always be a better option. And be interested in her peculiarities and qualities without falling into the racism contained in such phrases, this is a much more accurate way to start a conversation.

In such a racialized world, removing these stereotypes is an open door to connecting without pretension. Racialized people are not groups with similar behaviors, but rather something more complex like a person and their individuality. The way we behave and relate has nothing to do with the clichés made about us, it is all too easy to get carried away by convenient stereotypes, but it is much smarter to accept that we are certain beings.

If you’re a man, I hope when you approach a beautiful black woman you keep this in mind and can’t mention whether or not you’ve been with a black woman and go any further; Because chances are she’s not interested. Try to be interested in women as a whole, and not just in the reductionist idea that they will do everything for you in bed. Be smart and rack your brains to start conversations intelligently. It is much appreciated. So, the next time it crosses your mind to call a black woman exotic, stop for a moment and think about this text. Tell her that she is beautiful and attractive, but not exotic. And if you don’t know what to say, just shut up.

However, calling someone exotic is not always meant to discriminate against non-white races and sometimes it is a bit too much to consider all calls towards black people as racist expressions.