While looking around for a new source of retro porn pics–as my old source had mysteriously went offline recently–I came across a site so freaking good that I had to do up a blog post about it. Yeah, that kind of good because, honestly, I’d rather be having a tug, a toke, a bag of crisps or whatever than sit down to write something. And that is how you know that what I’m sharing with you is some kind of special, you see?
In fact, I went to the trouble of finding a couple of articles all about the good old days of what they called the “Golden Era” of porn to give those that need to know all the details a couple of sources to fill their curious minds with and all the facts and figures to qualify them as experts in the field. For instance, this PornHub article on the golden age of porn searches was picked up in article by Men’s Health where they discuss the finer points of popular porn searches from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Fascinating stuff right there and well put together.
Okay, so now that the back history has been filled in how about some sample pics from day’s gone by to round out this post? After all, I think that was the reason I was putting this blog post together! lol
To view the entire gallery of nude pictures featuring the above women and other retro pornstars, all you need to do is click here. Yes, it really is that simple. Enjoy!
Note: For a complete list of pornstars by the decade, Wikipedia has kindly compiled a complete list for your viewing pleasure.